Friday, December 29, 2006

What Are The "Top Vermont Stories Of The Year"?

Brought to us by Jon Odum at Green Mountain Daily:
The Times Argus AP (thanks for the catch, Nat) has its list of the top 10 stories of 2006 out. Some are rather broad categories of stories ("congress race," "Vermont Yankee"), some are clearly news stories that belong on such a list ("Cashman controversy," "school shooting," "Fell sentenced"), while the "tire burn" story probably doesn't belong in the top ten, in my own opinion.

All told, though, some significant news stories probably should've been on that list - or at the very least, should be mentioned in the same strata. Here then, are what I believe to be the top 10 stories not included on the AP's list (not necessarily in order of prominence or priority). Some of them were big splash items, while some simply did not receive the attention they probably should have, but were significant events whose impact may be underestimated or underappreciated by the traditional media.
After you read the list, what would YOU add or remove? I can think of a few, but I'd love to hear what others suggest first.

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